Well,BF4 has come and gone! Many late nights in the garage and We managed to get the bike there. I ran into a few snags with parts that prevented Me from completing the bike 100%. But I didn't want to let let Mike and Grant down,so I did the best I could to give them a bike for the show. I really love the way it turned out!
I had such a good time at the show this year with all my friends and family that were there! I'm still trying to wrap my head around how many people approached Me to tell how they liked the BF4 video or that they really liked my stuff. To everyone that did....THANK YOU!! It was probably one of the most humbling experiences of my life!
It was really cool to finally meet the other cat's that also built bikes for the invite portion of the show. Some of them I din't get a chance to meet with everything that was going on,but I did check out their scoot's. After seeing the other bikes,you really understand that it was a privilege to be included. with the quality of the other entries being so high,you don't feel as bad when you don't place,cause your definitely in good company with others that didn't as well! I'd like to let Mike,Grant and all responsible for the show that as much hard work that you guy's put into the show,it shows!! We all appreciate it and I hope that's enough to keep you doing it again next year!
I didn't get a chance to take many pics. But My son did. All the pictures that you see below were taken by My 10 year old son,Dago,with his ipod touch! I gotta say,I was really impressed by alot of the shots. He definitely has a good eye! I think He might be getting a camera for his next birthday.
still chilling out from all